Our Downton Abbey style period bell pulls, door bells and butlers bells look utterly stunning and are based on traditional period designs. Most of our handsome period bell pulls can be customised with your choice of motif and finish, so you're guaranteed to find the right look for your period property.
Whilst they may look a tad complicated they are actually very easy to fit. Once you know the locations you want your bell pull and bell in, you need to work out the route for the cord to run to connect the two, this will determine how many pulleys you need.
The extension pulleys are used to support the cord where it runs in a straight line – horizontal or vertical.
If you need to turn an internal corner then a directional pulley will be required.
Once the bell pull location has been established on the outside of the property, a hole will need to be drilled through the wall to take the cord from the pull on its way to meet the bell. Where the hole enters the property a blanking pulley is fitter, the blanking pulley has a nylon liner in the centre to guide the cord to the next pulley…see I told you it was easy.
Why not take a look at our range of Downton Abbey bell pulls, and you may like to read an article on fitting Bell Pulls in the article Fitting A Victorian Bell System.